Immersive Simulators, Virtual and Augmented Reality are technologies capable to disrupt the future of a whole lot of different fields.
These technologies as of today are used to train people in hazardous environments without the need to subject trainees to real life situations, they guide engineers in shaping new products and complex working environments before they are actually built, they help us studying and understanding new social behaviors, they have already a variety of fantastic applications in medicine and healthcare, from treating chronic pain to speeding up recovery after traumatic brain injury.
With the help of Artificial Intelligence market analysts can literally walk through their data and visualize trends and forecasts. Research studies show that people are more and more eager to use AR and VR technology for shopping purposes, as VR stores are never crowded and facilitate a highly personalised shopping experience.
Beside all direct benefits, these new technologies have strong appeal to youngsters, capture and hold the attention of users, as well as they enhance curiosity and learning desire, providing an interesting activity all over the times.
Immersive Training Simulations
We design and realize simulated immersive 3D virtual worlds that emulate actual conditions that trainees can explore to familiarize with the scenario and gain information on its main elements, to perceive the underlying mechanics involved and allow the realization of several attempts, if necessary, to perform tasks without the cost associated with errors in a real situation.
Virtual Reality
Through the use of dedicated wearable headsets and gesture controllers, the exploration of our virtual worlds become even more immersive, for an outstanding and unforgettable experience.
Augmented Reality
The use of dedicated wearable A.R. device (glasses) allows the exploration of an enhanced version of the actual real-world environment, where anything can be “augmented” by computer-generated perceptual information, for a truly immersive experience.
Virtual Shops/Showcases
Innovate the way your products are presented on your website or on other digital showcases! Digitalize your products and allow your customers to perform a variety of actions beyond just viewing them, like zooming, rotating, exploding, disassembling, interacting, changing colors, and many more.
Custom Simulation Videos
We can realize videos based on a 3D virtual environment of your choice where anyhting can happen, and everything can be changed or added with a minimal effort. Think about how easy it is to make or change anything in a digital world rather than having to film it from scratch, setting up the real environment and with real actors!
Computer Vision / Artificial Intelligence / Machine Learning
We can add to our simulation system different kind of features, like Computer Vision (face tracking, shapes/colors detection, motion detection, etc.), Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning algorithms to meet the requirements and expectations of our more sophisticated and demanding Customers.

VISIT™ (Virtual Site Induction Training) is 4DLabs’ software platform for immersive training simulations, which allows trainees to come into contact with a simulated immersive 3D virtual world that emulates actual conditions, to familiarize with the scenario and gain information on its main elements, to perceive the underlying mechanics involved and allow the realization of several attempts, if necessary, to perform tasks without the cost associated with errors in a real situation. For more information, please go to www.visit4d.com.

MEQSIM™ (Machinery and Equipment Simulator) is 4DLabs’ software platform for physical simulators, which allows trainees to operate a perfect virtual copy of a real-world machinery, to familiarize with it and to perform hands-on training with a trial-and-error approach. All MEQSIM™ standard and custom products can be operated either via a virtual controller (on screen) or via a physical (hand-held, or panel) controller, for a fully immersive and extremely efficient training experience.
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Who We Are
4DLabs is a technological software lab made up of a core team of scientists, software engineers and graphical artists committed to the development of Immersive Simulators, Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applications.
We are passionate about giving shape to your innovative ideas.
What can we do for you?
Contact Us
4DLabs headquarters and labs are located in Pescara, a nice town on the East coast of Italy, just 200 kilometers east of Rome.
Google Maps Directions to 4DLabs